Only 4% of business owners are set up for success.

— PWC, Global Data and Analytics Survey

Two-thirds (61%) acknowledge their companies could rely on data analysis more and intuition less. This puts them at risk of being surpassed by their more data-driven competitors. Highly data-driven companies are significantly changing how they make decisions, improve operations or use analytics to build their business and deliver products and services.

Do you want to fall behind and become history OR do you want to become a legacy?

Being data driven results in 23x customer acquisition, 6x customer retention, and a 19x profitability
— McKinsey Global Institute, Datamatics

Our vision

We strive to promote data literacy to ALL business owners so that they have the capabilities to make growth strategies that ensure increase in revenue, customers and profit. We endeavour to be the global trusted partner in helping business owners discover 10x money-driving opportunities using the Power of Data Science to create Sniper Sharp Strategies.


Our Mission

Insights are meaningless if decision-makers don’t have options & roadmap for action.

We have seen countless companies enlist consultants for analytics & insights but end up with “nice to haves” and far-reaching strategies.

We believe investing in data, analytics and insights should give you value and returns NOW and for the future so you can leave a legacy.

We solve your root problems NOT just symptoms of the obstacle.

As a business owner you have an infinite number of decisions to make in a day, we can give you the confidence with data-driven strategies that your decisions will only increase your bottom line.

We do this using our full range of services from strategy to implementation.

There is a saying, “Garbage in, garbage out.” That means that if the data entered into the system is not correct, then the solution/decision you generate with the data will not be accurate. Start now by making sure your data can actually solve your problems.

Stop shooting in the dark, instead make proven decisions.

Data-driven decision making isn’t reserved for the big companies, small and medium businesses can derive immense value by starting early in investing in data and analytics. Why put yourself at risk of business failure and lows when you don’t need to? Gain clarity in your business operations, build loyal customers and increase ROI now!

Derive the limitless benefits from your data, as the saying goes, “Data is the new oil.” It needs to be refined to be actionable. There is a potential goldmine in your company, so don’t delay and refine it today!