Terms of Service

Effective Date: August 5, 2019

Hello and welcome to ACT Agency’s Terms of Service!

These Terms of Service ("Terms") cover your use of and access to the consulting services, products, applications, tools and features (collectively, the "Services") provided by ACT Agency (as defined below).

By using or accessing the Services, you're agreeing to these Terms (collectively, this “Agreement”). If you're using the Services for an organization, you're agreeing to this Agreement on behalf of that organization, and you represent and warrant that you can do so. References to “you”, “your” and similar terms are construed accordingly in this Agreement. If you don’t agree to all the terms in this Agreement, you may not use or access the Services.

Please read this Agreement carefully! It includes important information about your legal rights. Please note if you are an EU Consumer (as defined below), some of these provisions may not apply to you and you may be entitled to specific rights under the mandatory laws of the country in which you live.

We’ve tried to make this Agreement fair and straightforward, but feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

1.     Our Intellectual Property

ACT Agency is protected by various intellectual property laws. This section summarizes what we own and how we share.

1.1. ACT Agency Owns ACT Agency Ltd. The Services are protected by copyright, trademark and other Canadian and foreign laws. This Agreement doesn't grant you any right, title or interest in the Services, others’ User Content, our trademarks, logos or other brand features or intellectual property or trade secrets or others’ content in the Services. You agree not to change, translate or otherwise create derivative works of the Services or others’ User Content.

1.2. We Can Use Your Feedback For Free. We welcome your feedback, ideas or suggestions (“Feedback”), but you agree that we may use your Feedback without any restriction or obligation to you, even after this Agreement is terminated. This Section does not limit or affect any rights you may have under applicable data protection laws.

This Agreement permits you to use the Site for your personal use only. You must not reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store or transmit any of the material on our Site, except as follows:

  • Your computer may temporarily store copies of such materials in RAM incidental to your accessing and viewing those materials.

  • You may store files that are automatically cached by your Web browser for display enhancement purposes.

  • You may print or download one copy of a reasonable number of pages of the Website for your own personal, non-commercial use and not for further reproduction, publication or distribution.

  • If we provide desktop, mobile or other applications for download, you may download a single copy to your computer or mobile device for each such computer or device solely for your own personal, non-commercial use, provided you agree to be bound by our end user license agreement for such applications.

  • If we provide social media features with certain content, you may take such actions as are enabled by such features.

You must not:

  • Modify copies of any materials from the Site.

  • Use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from the accompanying text.

  • Delete or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices from copies of materials from the Site.

2.         Our Rights

To operate effectively and protect the security and integrity of ACT Agency, we need to maintain control over what happens on our services.

2.1. Important Things We Can Do. We reserve these rights, which we may exercise at any time and in our sole discretion, and without liability or notice to you (except where prohibited by applicable law): (a) we may change parts or all of the Services and their functionality; (b) we may suspend or discontinue parts or all of the Services; (c) we may terminate, suspend, restrict or disable your access to or use of parts or all of the Services.

3.         Privacy 

Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and share your personal information for our own purposes. Be sure to read it carefully, but note it is not part of this Agreement and can change. It is crucial that you comply with data protection laws when using the services.

7.1. Privacy Policy. By using the Services, you confirm that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy. However, it is not a contractual document and does not form part of this Agreement and we may change it from time to time. 

7.2. You Must Comply With Data Protection, Security And Privacy Laws. You agree and warrant that you are solely responsible when using the Services for complying with applicable data protection, security and privacy laws and regulations (including, where applicable, the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the EU e-Privacy Directive/Regulation), including any notice and consent requirements. This includes without limitation the collection and processing by you of any personal data, when you use the Services.

4.         Copyright

 We comply with copyright law, and respond to complaints about copyright infringement in accordance with our Copyright Policy.

We respect the intellectual property of others and ask that you do too. We respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement if they comply with the law. 

5.         Paid Services And Fees

Certain Services are paid services. For terms of paid services, please see the service agreement specified for your project at point of signature.

5.1. Fee Changes. We may change our fees at any time. We’ll provide you with advance notice of these fee changes via the Services. New fees will not apply retroactively. If you don't agree with the fee changes, you have the right to reject the change by canceling the applicable Paid Service before your next payment date.

5.2. Our Payment Processor. We use a third party payment processor (the “Payment Processor”) to bill you through a payment account linked to your Account. The processing of payments will be subject to the terms, conditions and privacy policies of the Payment Processor, in addition to this Agreement. Our current Payment Processor is Stripe, and your payments are processed by Stripe in accordance with Stripe’s terms of service and privacy policy. You agree to pay us, through the Payment Processor, all charges at the prices then in effect for any purchase in accordance with the applicable payment terms. You agree to make payment using the payment method you provide with your Account. We reserve the right to correct, or to instruct our Payment Processor to correct, any errors or mistakes, even if payment has already been requested or received. 

5.3. Fees For Third Party Services. Third Party Services purchased via the Services may be subject to different refund policies that those Third Party Services determine, and they may be non-refundable. The purchase terms and conditions for such Third Party Services may be displayed during the purchase process, such as through a link to the purchase terms and conditions. It's your responsibility to verify your ability to purchase, cancel or obtain a refund for a Third Party Service. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, we don’t offer refunds for purchases of Third Party Services.

6.       Term And Termination

Either of us can end this agreement at any time.

This Agreement will remain in effect until terminated by either you or us. You may terminate this Agreement at any time via the Services. We reserve the right to change, suspend or discontinue, or terminate, restrict or disable your use of or access to, parts or all of the Services or their functionality at any time at our sole discretion and without notice. We will endeavour to provide you reasonable notice upon suspending or terminating part or all of the Services. All sections of this Agreement that by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination, including without limitation Your Content, Our Intellectual Property, Warranty Disclaimers, Limitation of Liability, Indemnification, Dispute Resolution and Additional Terms.

7.       Limitation Of Liability



8.       Indemnification

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us and our partners, agents, officers, directors, employees, subcontractors, successors and assigns, third party suppliers of information and documents, attorneys, advertisers, product and service providers and affiliates harmless from any liability, loss, claim and expense, including reasonable attorney's fees, related to your violation of this Agreement, the Site Policies or use of the Site.

9.       Applicable Law

By visiting actagency.co, you agree that the laws of Canada, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern this Agreement and the Site Policies and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and ACT Agency or its affiliates.

10.       Miscellaneous

The language in this Agreement shall be interpreted as to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against any party. The Terms of Use Agreement, including any Content or Published Information provided by you on the Site may be automatically assigned by us in our sole discretion to a third party in the event of an acquisition, sale, merger, or other change of control of ACT Agency. Should any part of the Terms of Use Agreement be held invalid or unenforceable, that portion shall be construed consistent with applicable law and the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. To the extent that anything in or associated with the Site is in conflict or inconsistent with this Agreement, the Terms of Use Agreement shall take precedence. Our failure to enforce any provision of the Terms of Use Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision nor of the right to enforce such provision. Our rights under the Terms of Use Agreement shall survive any termination of the Terms of Use Agreement.

Other Site Policies and Modification

From time to time, we may post revised versions of existing policies or new policies on our website. Please review all of our other policies posted on this Site. These policies also govern your visit to actagency.co. We reserve the right to make changes to our Site, policies, and this Terms of Use Agreement at any time.

11.       Additional Terms

This section includes some additional important terms. For instance, this Agreement is the whole agreement between us regarding your use of ACT Agency. If we ever change it in a way that meaningfully reduces your rights, we’ll give you notice and an opportunity to cancel. Also, if you’re reading this in a language other than English, note that the English language version controls.

11.1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and ACT Agency regarding the subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes and replaces any other prior or contemporaneous agreements, or terms and conditions applicable to the subject matter of this Agreement. You agree that you have not relied upon, and have no remedies in respect of, any term, condition, statement, warranty or representation except those expressly set out in this Agreement. You also may be subject to additional terms, policies or agreements that may apply when you use other services, including Third Party Services. This Agreement creates no third party beneficiary rights.

11.2. Waiver, Severability And Assignment. Our failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement is not a waiver of our right to do so later. If any provision of this Agreement is found unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full effect and an enforceable term will be substituted reflecting our intent as closely as possible. You may not delegate, transfer or assign this Agreement or any of your rights or obligations hereunder without our prior written consent, and any such attempt will be of no effect. We may delegate, transfer or assign this Agreement or some or all of our rights and obligations hereunder, in our sole discretion, to any of our affiliates or subsidiaries or to any purchaser of any of our business or assets associated with the Services, with thirty (30) days prior written notice. If you are an EU Consumer, we will ensure that the delegation, transfer or assignment does not adversely affect your rights under this Agreement.

11.3. Modifications. We may modify this Agreement from time to time, and will always post the most current version on our site. If a modification meaningfully reduces your rights, we’ll notify you (by, for example, sending you an email or displaying a prominent notice within the Services). The notice will designate a reasonable period after which the new terms will take effect. Modifications will never apply retroactively. By continuing to use or access the Services after any modifications come into effect, you agree to be bound by the modified Agreement and price changes.

11.4. Events Beyond Our Control. We are not in breach of this Agreement or liable to you if there is any total or partial failure of performance of the Services resulting from any act, circumstance, event or matter beyond our reasonable control. This may include where such results from any act of God, fire, act of government or state or regulation, war, civil commotion, terrorism, insurrection, inability to communicate with third parties for whatever reason, failure of any computer dealing or necessary system, failure or delay in transmission of communications, failure of any internet service provider, strike, industrial action or lock-out or any other reason beyond our reasonable control.

11.5. Translation. This Agreement was originally written in English. We may translate this Agreement into other languages. In the event of a conflict between a translated version and the English version, the English version will control except where prohibited by applicable law.